Whisper Mode (Beta)
What is Whisper Mode? The WAVV Dialer now allows a team lead, manager, or quality assurance specialist to listen in on a prospector’s calls. This feature is called Whisper Mode! Here’s what you should know: The team lead can hear both the prospector and the buyer. The prospector can hear the buyer and the team lead. The buyer can ONLY hear the prospector. (https://PopularHow to Install the WAVV App
Find the App in the Marketplace In your HighLevel account, click on the App Marketplace option in the left menu bar. Use the search bar to input "WAVV" or browse through the list. Click on the WAVV app to continue to review the app details and begin installation. Installing the App The WAVV marketplace app is labeled as a Distribution Type: Agency & Sub-Account. This means it can be installed on either the Agency lSome readersAm I billed through my CRM or WAVV?
Adding the marketplace app (GHL) or snippet is completely free, but payment is all done through WAVV. Once you get the system installed, you will be able to go through payment options that best suit your needs. After clicking WAVV dialer in the column tab, you will see an option to start dialing, or enter your activation code if you were invited to a team. (https://storage.crisp.cFew readersWhy was my spam protection subscription canceled?
If you’re wondering why your spam protection subscription was canceled, it’s likely due to our system detecting that it was not actively tied to a phone number. To prevent unnecessary billing for unused services, our system automatically cancels subscriptions that aren’t linked to an active number. Why Did This Happen? When you purchase a spam protection subscription, it must be connected to a phone number to function effectively. If the system identifies that your subscription is not assFew readersAgent’s Guide To The Do-Not-Call List
1. Why Is There A Risk? In 1991, there was a rise in the number of unsolicited telemarketing calls consumers were receiving, particularly from robo-dialers and pre-recorded calling machines. In response to the increase of unsolicited calls, US Congress passed the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) to restrict sales calls and the use of robo-dialers and recordings. The TCPA also gave rise to the Do-Not-Call (DNC) Registry to limit telemarketing calls they received. Managed by The FedeFew readersWhat numbers can I register for Spam Protection?
Once Spam protection has been purchased in your account, you can select and choose any of the phone numbers that you’ve added into the WAVV Dialer. This can be a WAVV provided number or any phone number that you own and have added into WAVV. You can even register your personal cell phone number if you'd like.Few readersWhat countries and numbers are supported?
At this time, WAVV supports phone numbers with US and Canadian area codes. We are expanding to more countries soon.Few readersContact Us
WAVV General Customer Support For tech issues or general questions, please email support@wavv.com, or click the intercom icon in the bottom right-hand corner of this webpage for assistance. Affiliates If you would like more information about our affiliate program, please email affiliates@wavv.com If you would like to book an affiliate call, click here to book: Book an Affiliate 1 on 1 Strategy Call (https://go.wavv.coFew readersWhat’s the difference between the Preview Line Dialer and the Single Line Dialer?
The Single Line Dialer is an upgraded and more robust feature product than the preview dialer. Here are a list of the features: Preview Line Dialer: Fewer Minutes Call lines: 1 Timezone Protection Click to Call Choice ID Calls via Computer or Phone Call Recording Call Campaigns Single Line Dialer: More Minutes Call lines: 1 Timezone Protection Smart Voicemail Drop Click to Call Choice ID Calls via Computer or Phone Call RecordFew readersLegal Information about Texting and Calling
Below is some more information about the laws and regulations that may apply to text messages/phone calls (including consents or message content you might need before such text messages are sent or such calls are placed). All users are required to agree to our terms of service before they can use any product. These terms of service can found at https://www.wavv.com/terms *Note that other local, state, provincial, and federal/national law may apply; consult your leFew readersActivation Codes
We're excited to help you get started with the WAVV Dialer. This guide will walk you through activating your WAVV Dialer using an activation code. There are 2 ways you can get a code. One is through purchasing a subscription on wavv.com and the other is if you are invited to a team by an account owner. Purchasing Through WAVV.com After completing the purchase, you will be given an activation code. This code will also be emailed to you, so make sure you have access to your email. (httpFew readersCan I call through the additional phone numbers of a contact?
Yes! Using the WAVV marketplace app, you can dial all of the phone numbers for a contact in your CRM. If you have the snippet version of WAVV it will not be able to call these additional numbers, and it won't be able to call any numbers that have been added as custom fields. The marketplace version also won't be able to call any numbers that have been added as custom fields. The numbers must be added as additional phone numbers in order to be called. If you still have the snippet version of WAVFew readersWhy does the dialer stay connected? Is this using my minutes?
Dialers often stay connected to make calling more efficient and the next dial to be able to happen more quickly. That is exactly how WAVV works, to save you time from reconnecting each time you want to place a call. With the WAVV dialer only connected time counts toward your minute limit. This would be time actually connected talking to a customer or leaving a message.Few readersWhen do Minutes and Text limits reset?
When do Minutes and Text limits reset? Minutes and Texts reset monthly on the date your subscription began. How do I find out how many texts/minutes I have left? Minutes: Hovering over the ? inFew readersEarly Media
Sometimes the dialer jumps to a contact and treats it as answered while it is still ringing. This is commonly known as "Early Media" or "Pre-Answering Media" in the context of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) communication. Early Media refers to the capability of a VoIP system to provide audio or other media to the calling party before the called party answers the call. In traditional telephony, the ringback tone is generated by the calling party's phone system while waiting for the called pFew readersWhat do I need to do to start calling?
Add a verified phone number (REQUIRED). This is a phone number you already own, for example your cell, office number, or a number issued by your CRM that you have access to either receive a call or text as a part of the verification process. Once verified, you can use this number in a dial session and as your caller ID with ChoiceID.Few readersDoes WAVV use my phone or computer to make calls?
When using WAVV you can dial with EITHER a phone or using computer audio! When you are ready to place a call, select your customer(s) and select the "Dial with WAVV" or "WAVV" icon to open the dial bar. If this is your first time you will see a dialogue box that will ask if you want to dial using your computer audio and mic, or if you want to use a phone. (https://storage.crisp.chFew readersMerge Fields { }
To Learn how to use Merge fields watch this video or follow these instructions! Merge fields is a term we use to describe the custom customer information you can insert into a text message. This feature pulls information directly from your database to make your blast messaging a personal experience for your contacts.Few readersDoes WAVV bypass LC charges?
Yes! WAVV dialers bypass LC charges, so there is no additional LC fee for using the dialer.Few readers