WAVV Teams
WAVV Teams: the comprehensive offering, complete with robust team management capabilities, seamless provisioning processes, and in-depth team-level reporting.
With our team management features, you can easily onboard and manage multiple team members, assign roles, and ensure everyone has access to the products they need to succeed!
Head here to learn more about the new WAVV Manager user interface.
Types of Accounts
There are now 4 kinds of WAVV accounts ( see more details below)
Account Owner
This is the billing admin who owns a WAVV team. They can choose whether or not to have their own Dialer seat, can delegate seats, and manage the roles of their team.
Team Manager
A team manager is delegated by the account owner to have control and insight into the rest of the team.
Team Member
A team member is a person using the dialer as part of a team.
This is a user with no WAVV Team affiliation. Everyone using WAVV prior to this new update is considered an individual account, and will remain so until you upgrade or join a team.
Team Purchasing
Converting from an Individual Account to a Team Account

If you are an existing customer, you can convert your account to a Teams Account by opening up Settings, going to the Subscriptions tab, and clicking on “Manage Subscription” and then click on “Upgrade Plan” on the Manage Subscriptions page.
You should only do this if you plan to manage and pay for a team; otherwise, you can remain on an individual user plan, or join an existing team.
After clicking upgrade, you'll see the Change/Upgrade subscription in the WAVV Manager UI. Here you can change the view to a teams account and click “Upgrade” on the desired plan, as well as choose to pay monthly, or get a 15% discount for paying for a full year up front.
After making a selection, you'll be taken to the cart where I can choose how many seats, see what amount is due today and make my payment. Before I complete my purchase, I’ll be required to agree to the WAVV billing owner Terms of Service, and after I finish my purchase, I’ll be taken to the Dashboard screen for onboarding.
Purchasing a Teams Account as a New User
For new WAVV users, clicking on the WAVV icon in my CRM will open the onboarding modal where I can review the product bundles. On this screen, I can toggle from individual packages to team packages. I would then click “purchase” on the plan I am interested in and continue to the cart where I can choose how many seats to purchase for my team members. Here I will also see the total amount and be able to complete my checkout. After my purchase, I will be taken to the Dashboard screen to being onboarding.
Note that you don't necessarily need a WAVV Dialer seat to be an account owner.

Inviting Team Members
As a team manager or a billing owner, you can add team members to your team by going to the "Team Management" screen. Here you will see the total number of utilized seats. If you have open seats, then the “Invite Team Members” button will be active and blue.

Clicking that button takes you to the "Invite Your Team" screen. If you have more than one seat available, an “Add Another Team Member” button will be active. As an account owner, you can designate other users as Team Managers. You can choose to grant them the "Manager Role" upon invite, or change their permissions later in "Team Management."

Once you've filled out the required information, click on the “Send Invites” button in the bottom right corner to send the invites over email. Invitees will receive a code they can use to join your team.
Joining a Team as a new WAVV User
New users can join a WAVV team upon invite from a team manager or billing owner. Launch WAVV inside your CRM by clicking on the WAVV link in the side menu to see the onboarding screen. Click “Already have an Activation Code” and enter in the unique code sent to your email.

If the code is valid, then I will be asked to accept the terms of service and validate a personal phone number. I can choose to make this number personal, meaning it will only be available to me and no one else on my team, or shared, meaning it will be available to everyone on my team. After I have successfully validated a personal phone number, then I will be taken to the Dashboard onboarding page of WAVV Manager to get started.
Joining a Team as an Existing User
Existing users with WAVV can join a team by going to WAVV Manager > Subscriptions > Join a Team. Then, enter the unique code in the team invitation email you received.
Users who successfully join a team will receive a prorated refund for the remaining time in the current billing period, at which point that account will be canceled and no longer billed. The user's phone numbers, subscriptions and settings will all be migrated over to the new team member account.
Note: If I have a SPAM Protection service, it will be ported over, but will be set to Pending Cancelation so that the billing owner can choose to take on this additional cost that they didn’t sign up for themselves. If they take no action, then the service will be canceled at the end of the team’s billing cycle.

Removing a Team Member
Account Owners and Team Managers can remove a team member from the team and kick them out of a dialer seat to free it up for another team member, effectively canceling the product for that specific user. To do this, go to WAVV Manager > Team Management and click on the kebab menu on the far-right of the row of the user you want to remove and click on the “Remove Team Member” option. This action will immediately remove this user and allow me to invite a new user to take their place.
Note that this will not change the number of seats in the plan.
Claiming a Seat as an Account Owner
Account Owners can claim a Dialer seat if they wish, allowing them to make calls and use the dialer as if they were a team member, while still retaining access to management and subscription control. To do this, go to WAVV Manager > Team and click on the “Claim Seat” button to the right of the Account Owner section. After you click this button, your name and email will now show in the Team Members table.

Upgrading from Monthly Teams to Annual Teams
If you have a monthly subscription for a team plan, you can upgrade to an annual subscription and make a payment for the full year at a discount by going to WAVV Manager > Subscriptions and clicking on “Upgrade.”
It is important to note that a user is unable to downgrade from an annual plan to a monthly subscription. These users would need to cancel their account and sign up again for a month to month plan. Upgrading during a trial will require an immediate payment.
Subscription Management
Adding Seats
As a billing owner, If I have more people on my team that I want to use WAVV, and I am all out of available seats, I will see in Manager > Teams Management screen that the “Invite Team Members” button is inactive and no longer blue.

I can add more seats to my team by clicking on the “Get More Seats” button in the top right corner. This will open the Purchase Additional Seats screen. On this screen I can update the quantity field. It will by default be set to 1 seat, and as I update the amount I will see the subtotal and Amount due today update in the Payment summary box on the right.

When I’m happy with my selection, I can click the Purchase button to get these seats added to my account. After which, I can then Invite team members from the Team Management screen.
Canceling Seats
When I want to cancel seats, I will go to the Team management screen to select which user I will be removing. On this screen, I will click on the kebab menu on the far right on the row for the user I want to remove and a menu will show and I’ll select the “Cancel User Seat” option. This will change the seat to “Pending Cancelation” until the end of the billing period. If I have an annual subscription, then my removed seat will not take effect until the next year.
Restoring Subscriptions
When a product seat, or service is in the pending cancellation state, a billing owner has the option to restore the subscription at any time up until it is canceled and removed at the end of the billing cycle. This can be done by going to the section where the pending cancellation item is and clicking on the “Restore” button. When I click this button, I get a pop-up that tells me, by restoring this item, I will no longer lose access to it at the end of the billing cycle, and instead I will keep it and continue paying for it.
Canceling Subscriptions
As a billing owner, I am able to cancel my subscriptions by going to WAVV Manager > Subscriptions and click, “Manage Subscriptions” next to the item I want to cancel. I will then be taken to the Manage Subscription page and at the bottom of the page, I will click on the “Cancel Subscription” button. I will still have access to this product until the end of my billing period. On the Manage Subscription page, I will now see a “Subscription Canceled” label, and there will be a new button in the top right corner called “Restore Subscription”.
A new feature releasing with Teams, is the ability for the billing owner to see a record of all of their invoices. These can be found by going to WAVV Manager > Subscriptions > Invoices. On this screen I will see a historical list of every invoice, with the date, amount paid, Product and Status. I can search from this and download a PDF or any individual invoice as well as Bulk Download all of the invoices.
Team Reporting
Filtering Reports
Users will be able to select the date range and the user set for what displays on the reports page. Date range has options for last week, last month, last 12 months, year to date. User set can select the entire team, or individual team members. When individual team members are selected, the calls made and conversations tables will change to only display that user and hide the totals row.
Calls & Conversions
As a billing owner, or a team manager, I have the ability to view the call reports for my team members. I can access these reports by going to WAVV Manager > Reporting. The first report I will see on this screen is the Calls & Conversations report. By default, this report is set to the Last Week, but can be filtered in the top right corner. The Calls on this graph are defined as the total of every successful outreach by a team member. The Conversations on this graph are defined as the total number of answered calls that last more than 60 seconds.

Total Talk Time
The Total Talk Time report is a report of total minutes of connected calls for the whole team by day for the last week. The time period on this report can be changed by clicking on the date Range filter in the top right corner of the Reports page.
The dispositions report is a breakdown of the call outcomes for my team for the last week. These dispositions are the outcomes that my team members have selected when they finish a call, as well as the auto dispositions of Bad Number, No Answer and Voice Message. The dispositions on this screen will reflect the customized name that the billing owner or team manager set in WAVV Manager > Dispositions.
Calls Made
The Calls Made report is a breakdown of total calls per day by team member. This report allows me to see granularly how many calls my team is making each day. As a billing owner or Team Manager, I am able to set a daily goal for how many calls I want my team members to make by clicking on the edit button in the top right corner of this report. The edit icon will be hidden until I hover my cursor over the graph. When I click on the edit icon, then I can enter in the daily goal and click “save.” When my team members hit or exceed this goal, the daily total for them will show in a green box to indicate they met the daily goal.

The Conversations report is a breakdown of total conversations per day by team member. Conversations are defined as any connected call that is longer than 60 seconds. As a billing owner or Team Manager, I am able to set a daily goal for the total number of conversations I want my team to have each day by clicking on the edit button in the top right corner of this report. The edit icon will be hidden until I hover my cursor over the graph. When I click on the edit icon, then I can enter in the daily goal and click “save.” When my team members hit or exceed the goal I’ve set, then their total will be highlighted in a green box.
Enhanced Collaboration
One of the primary benefits of a team dialing solution is the enhanced collaboration that comes from being able to work together. The ability to assign roles, shared numbers and services allows you to make sure that everyone on your team has access to the products they need to succeed.
Centralized Control
The billing owner and manager roles have all of the configuration controls at their finger-tips. You can manage your subscriptions, phone numbers, services and team members all from the new enhanced WAVV Manager settings modal.
Data-driven Insights
A team dialing solution is good, but with robust reporting it becomes great. You can see and compare your team member’s performance at a glance, set daily goals and know who is doing well and who needs more coaching.
Volume Discounts for Cost Efficiency
An added bonus for adding teams is the ability to get a discount for adding more team members. Discounts start at 6 users with a 10% reduced fee per user seat. A higher volume results in a deeper discount. 15% at 11 users and 20% at 21 users.
Improved Pick-up Rate with Local Presence
Releasing with teams, is the ability to turn on local presence as a caller id feature. This setting will dynamically change your caller id to any WAVV number you own that matches the area code of the contact you are calling, or a nearby area code if they are available.
Team Roles
Billing Owner Role
There are 3 roles in a team. The first is the billing owner. This is the person that is responsible for managing subscriptions and has the responsibility of paying for the team’s subscriptions. They also have access to manage the team, send invites, view reports and change subscriptions. The billing owner does not inherently have access to any of the subscriptions including the dialer and does not count as a user seat, but they may claim a seat. A user may not be turned into a billing owner. A billing owner is created when an individual purchases and subscribes for a product.
Team Manager Role
The team manager role is very much like the billing owner role, but without the ability to change subscriptions, or do anything that would impact the billing or financial aspect of the team’s account. The manager role will be able to invite new users, change settings, set trust hub business profile, Stir/Shaken info, and view aggregate team reporting, but not be able to cancel, upgrade or downgrade accounts, or sign up for new services.
When a team manager sets dialer settings, their settings are inherently set as default for any new users; however, the settings can be overruled by the individual user account.
Team Member Role
As a team member, I am able to use the product’s that I occupy a seat for. I have access to the settings for that product and can change them for myself only. Any preset configurations will be overridden by the settings I set for my account. I have access to any phone number I personally add, those that have been added as shared numbers, and any Team WAVV numbers. I can also view the call history and reporting for myself by default, but I am also able to view the aggregate reports of my team. I can also not make any changes to subscriptions or sign up for any new services.
Updated on: 01/23/2025
Thank you!