How to navigate the Voicemails tab in the WAVV Power Dialer settings.
Video Walkthrough
Pre-recorded Voicemail messages are voicemails that can be left automatically by the system to a customer's voicemail during a call session. This saves you time so you can start on the next call when you hear an answering machine.
Creating Voicemails
Select the Record Voicemail button to get started.

These voicemails can be created through the following methods:
Record Via Computer - If your computer has a microphone or a connected bluetooth headset, you can create a new voicemail from your computer. Select either the Record Voicemail button or the Record Via Computer option from the drop down menu. After granting your browser permission, you can click the microphone to begin recording.

Record Via Phone - Select Record Via Phone from the drop down menu next to the Record Voicemail button. You will then be prompted to have WAVV call you or call in yourself. For help setting up your phone number, click here.

Upload an Audio File - You can upload a prerecorded audio file (.mp3, .wav, and .m4a) as a voicemail. Select Upload an Audio File from the drop down menu. You will then be prompted to select a file from your computer.
Managing Voicemails

The Default column indicates the voicemail that will be automatically left when you click the Drop VM button while using the dialer. You can also select which voicemail to leave using the drop down arrow next to the Drop VM button in the dialer.


The Nickname column is a way for you to remember the contents of your voicemail. After you create a voicemail, you will be asked to give it a title. You can edit this later by selecting the pencil icon in the Actions column.

The Actions column provides tools for managing your voicemails.
Edit the nickname of the voicemail with the pencil icon
Play the voicemail with the media icon
Download the voicemail as an .mp3 file with the download icon
Delete the voicemail with the trash receptacle icon
Updated on: 01/23/2025
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