Articles on: Spam Protection

SPAM Protection FAQ's

Is Spam Protection available for Preview line dialer, or the Single-line Power Dialer?

Yes. We have recently expanded our offering for this service to our other products.

Where do the calls go if they call me back on the WAVV number?

In the Phone Numbers settings page, you will find a call forwarding number set for your WAVV number. This is the personal verified number that inbound calls will be directed to.

If I cancel the Spam Protection product, can I keep the number?

Yes. While we don't have an automated process for this, you can contact support after you've requested to have the number reported from the service that will be receiving the number and we can release the number for you.

Should I dial after a spam flag has been detected?

Yes. Continuing to dial while your number is being remediated won't hurt the process, and typically when a spam flag is detected it is only for a single carrier and all other carriers will still benefit from high call connection rates.

Can I switch and choose a new number?

No, not at this time. We are currently limiting this service to a single WAVV number, but we have plans to allow this in the future. If your phone number has been marked as Remediation failed, please contact support and we will help you

Should I dial when registration is still "In Progress"?

Yes. Dialing with your new number while it is being registered will result in a similar call connection rate to your old phone number. After registration is complete you should see an improvement in these rates. Please note, it can take as long as 2-4 weeks to ensure registration is complete with all carriers.

I just registered a new number, and it is showing as spam flags detected. What's happening?

The registration process is designed to take a phone number and provide it with credibility and protect it against spam flags. This is fairly common to see initial flags being detected that will get appealed and removed as your number is established as a legitimate business number.

What does the yellow dot mean next to my number in settings?

This can mean one of two things. One, you've just recently signed up for Spam Protection and your number is still being registered with the phone carriers. Or two, a spam flag has been detected on your number and we have begun the remediation process to have it removed for you.

Updated on: 02/12/2025

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