Phone Numbers
WAVV uses your personal phone number to make calls. Once you have connected a personal phone number, you can claim a number from WAVV to be your public facing number.
Add and Verify a Number
To add a phone number, select the Phone Numbers tab, represented by the # icon. Then, select the button labeled Add Existing Number.

Enter your phone number in the pop-up box and choose a nickname. If you are part of a team, you can choose to share this number with the team. Then select Call or Text. We'll send you a verification code to verify your number.

You can also claim numbers from WAVV, one per purchased seat if you're on a team. Select Claim Numbers, type an area code, and select Claim Selected Number.

Managing Phone Numbers
The columns help you manage your phone numbers. You can have multiple personal numbers as well as multiple WAVV numbers.

The Number column displays the phone number and the affiliation of the number. Numbers with the WAVV icon are WAVV numbers, while numbers with the person icon are from outside sources.
The Call Forwarding column provides the option to have your WAVV number forward calls to another number.
The Nickname column displays the nickname of the number for easy management of multiple numbers.
The Protection Status column shows if a number is Protected under Spam Protection.
The trash receptacle icon allows you to delete a number.
Updated on: 01/23/2025
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